Matthew Angus

Barrister (As of 4th June 2024)
01752 221551
Practice Profile

Matthew was called to the bar in 1997.

He completed his pupillage at 29 Bedford Row Chambers, Londonin1998.

Following some time in various roles (including as a PFI Executive at Mills & Reeve and then anon-practising barrister/fee earner at DAC Beachcroft (specialising in project finance, public procurement law and construction law) and Legal Officer (Contracts) at Cambridge City Council) he became a solicitor in 2007 and then worked in the Projects and Finance Team of DLA Piper in Birmingham and as a locum solicitor at Staffordshire County Council.

In 2008 (not too long after the implementation of the Mental Capacity Act 2005) Matthew started working in the areas of adult social care and mental health, at Staffordshire County Council.  Over the next 10years, Matthew gained a great deal of experience of Court of Protection work, the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DOLS) and Adult Social Care.

In 2018 Matthew joined Kennedys as an associate solicitor, where he continued with Court of Protection work and was introduced to Coronial work.

Matthew joined Wigan MBC in 2021 (as a locum solicitor) and then Devon County Council (also as a locum solicitor) later that year.

Following a career break travelling in 2022/23 Matthew returned to Devon County Council as a locum solicitor in October 2023.

Matthew removed himself from the roll of solicitors (effective 30th May 2024).

From the 4th June2024 Matthew will be returning to The Bar after joining KBG Chambers

Practice Areas

As a former practising solicitor, Matthew advised on the following:

Court of Protection

Complex health & welfare applications covering a wide range of domains including: residence, contact, care, sexual relations, contraception, consent for marriage, injunctions and occasionally medical treatment.

Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards

Section 21A proceedings, making and advising on “Community DOLS” or COP DOL 11 applications, imputability to the State, and, deprivation of liberty affecting the protection of the public.

Adult Social Care

Most aspects of adult social care and the Care Act 2014, but in particular: assessments, eligibility, the health/social care divide (s.22 Care Act 2014), care planning, direct payments, NHS CHC funding, ordinary residence disputes, polices relating to the Care Act and adult safeguarding, drafting responses to judicial review pre-action protocol letters, and, responses to complaints (including via the Social Care Ombudsman).

Mental Health

Nearest relative displacements, many aspects of s.117 aftercare, advice to Approved Mental Health Professionals, transfers (s.19 MHA 1983), s.17 leave and deprivation of liberty.