The silver lining to the exceptionally black cloud that is owning a Grendel-type-cladding/affected flat is that if the flat owner has purchased with the aid of a Help to Buy (HTB) Mortgage, redeeming the HTB mortgage ought to be relatively cheap because of the impact the cladding has on valuation. There have, however, been complaints that those wishing to redeem their HTB mortgages have not found it easy to deal with the Homes and Communities Agency, which now trades under the name Homes England. Not only is redemption process laid down in the HTB mortgage not a masterpiece of drafting but some of those wanting to redeem, who have attempted to follow the online guidance from Homes England, have then found themselves being told by Homes England that they have got it wrong - RawdonCrozier has been working informally with the 'Inside Housing' journalist Jack Simpson on the story for some time and is now advising a number of lessees whose flats were bought with HTB.